A teenage couple died after their car plunged into Chuenespoort Dam, along the Polokwane-Lebowakgomo R37 road, South Africa.
The motive behind the incident is unknown but police say domestic violence may not be ruled out
According to police spokesperson Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, at around 08:00 am on Sunday 24 September, the couple, both 19-years-old were sitting inside a Toyota Tazz Sedan near the dam.
“Fisherman on a boat realized that the vehicle was speeding towards the water and alerted the police.”

The vehicle had plunged into the water and the Police Search and Rescue Unit were immediately summoned to the scene. The search ensued until the bodies of the deceased were recovered.
The two deceased were identified as Thabang Tladi and Kate Ramoshaba (pictured) from Lebowakgomo.
The two were also students at a Repeat Part Time Centre at Seleteng village in the ga-Mphahlele area near Lebowakgmo.
The two were also students at a Repeat Part Time Centre at Seleteng village in the ga-Mphahlele area near Lebowakgmo.
Below is the full statement by South African Police Service:
"The Police in Lebowakgomo outside Polokwane are investigating the death of two people which occurred in Chuniespoort Dam along the Polokwane-Lebowakgomo R37 road.
It is alleged that on Sunday, 24 September 2017 at about 08:00 two partners both aged 19 years were sitting inside a Toyota Tazz sedan near Chuenespoort Dam, subsequently the fisherman on a boat realized that the vehicle is now driving away in a very high speed into the water and he alerted the police.The Police Search and Rescue Unit were immediately summoned to the scene, reacted swiftly and the search ensued until the bodies of these partners were recovered.During the recovery of the two bodies, the vehicle was also found but the cable snapped and vehicle went deep down the water. The search was then abandoned for the rescue team to get the additional resources to remove it.
The search for the vehicle will continue tomorrow.The two deceased were identified as Thabang Tladi and Kate Ramoshaba both aged 19 years old from Lebowakgomo Township and they were also students at a Repeat Part Time Centre at Seleteng village in the ga-Mphahlele area near Lebowakgmo.
The motive behind this incident is unknown but domestic violence may not be ruled out.
A case of inquest has been opened and the police investigations are still continuing including.