Canadian police arrests dog
This has gotta be the funniest thing y’all have seen all day – Canadian policemen arrested a canine after it reportedly attacked a deer.
The owner of the dog who was overwhelmed by her dog being arrested, took to Twitter to share the tragicomedic saga and it has since gathered more than half a million of likes.

Emme Thompson shared via a tweet,
someone called the police on my dog because he ran away and attacked a deer and i know this is serious but the sight of him in the cop car i’m alskdjfhsgh 

Eventually, the canine got released and now everyone wonders whether he’ll remember his punishment for attacking a deer…
btw his name is finn, he’s out now but we’re still waiting to find out what’ll happen to him. he’s a good boy he just hates deer 
thank you SO much for all the nice messages and replies asking about finny! i wish i had time to answer all of them – they let us off with a warning and he is going to be just fine!
