Tanzanian Supermodel, Millen Magese who recently welcomed her son after years of battling and overcoming endometriosis has shared adorable photos of him, Prince Kairo from a few days after he was born.
The supermodel captioned one of the photos:
You’re Lord……. I testify . I lost my dad on this day March 20th 2007. My dad was a big part of my life especially with sickness I am battling”Endometriosis “ prayed so much that one day ,God will bless me with a son have with his characters and features. Guess what …. God gave me what I asked for . My son looks so much like my dad. I’m super blessed #PrayTowardsWhatYouDesire#MillenMagese #PrinceKairoAt10Days#mymiraclesonprincekairo .PLEASE I’m asking for all of you to respect my moments. If pictures of me and my son /my story upsets you then please get out of my page. Very simple. I would like to post whatever as long as I want. I know why I am posting and sharing my story and to be honest , I don’t care how you feel . You were not on my shoes or anyone’s shoes who is battling Endometriosis/Infertility so Cheers
See more photos below;