KessBillions, as he was popularly known among his fellow criminals, was on the police wanted list for the robbery of a forex bureau at Teshie on Wednesday, January 31, 2018.
KessBillions was also said to have led a gang of robbers to attack a company at Community Nine Light Industrial Area, Tema.
The IGP said other suspects in the forex bureaux robbery gang — Prince Wanganga, Gift Wanganga, alias Festus; John Ani, Prince Yfuah and Okoro Amulley — had been arrested earlier.
He said KessBillions and the other five suspects were all Nigerians. He said a check on KessBillions’s passport, number A07598838, revealed that he was a native of Warri.
KessBillions frequently comes to Ghana, with his last being on January 19, 2018, with a 90-day stay permit.