Earlier today we brought to you the gist of how a pregnant woman was beaten by Delta state police officers alongside her friends, popular instagram sensation – dancer Janemena and Jane’s younger sister (Read Here).

Now, there are new updates on the story, as it has been revealed that the pregnant woman, sadly has suffered a miscarriage and she was reportedly pregnant with Quadruplets.
Jane mena has however posted on her IG page, the story behind the whole altercation .
Here is an excerpt from what she wrote below ;
This whole issue started from a guy who refused to reverse back a little for my friend to drive by as she couldn’t go back herself Cos of the way my street was filled with stones and her car was really low.
She then left her car on the same road the guy blocked and walked down to my house, 3mins later, we saw police men from ZONE 5 around the car, they were actually patrolling and stopped, I hurriedly told my friend to go check it out thinking we could resolve the situation amicably, on getting there, they were about to loosen her plate number leaving the other guys car that actually blocked the road and that’s when I intervened on her behalf, the minute I said “oga abeg leave the plate number” that’s how these guys shouted at me, WILL YOU GET OF HERE YOU BASTARD, YOU ARE BECOMING AN UNBECOMING, pointing at me, at this stage I asked him not to intimidate us with his guns or power, and that’s when he jacked up my dress, my kid sister came and intervented, before I could say “jack” these police men were dragging her on the floor, hitting her from left, right, centre and above. She actually fainted and another slap woke her up from her slumber.
Thank God for a guy who came to save her from their grips, then a police woman that wasn’t on uniform, came at me shouting while we were resolving this issue again o. YOU THINK SEY YOU DEY MAD, I MAD PASS YOU, and then she came jacking at me too o and I held her dress close to her chest too to leave mine alone and that’s how they said I have beaten up a police woman “who wasn’t on uniform” these men put their handcuffs on me and was dragging me on the road to their hilux car, carrying me and hitting me like I was a criminal, all these, I still refused to enter and this went on for about 7mins before a soldier guy came and said if we must go anywhere, it must be his car I would enter,
i agreed and went into his car, at this point he started asking me, what happened, my dear brothers and sister, the next thing I saw was the policeman hitting my pregnant friend telling her to stop the video and it resulted to her strangling her neck and she went into coma, and that’s when my live video started, they initially wanted to run but i ran in front of their hilux with my handcuffd still on, instead of them to carry my friend they were dragging her and one of the guys shouted and they carried her into the hilix, instead of these people to take her to the hospital, they took her to one pharmacy and the pharmacist told them he doesn’t have the kind of injections they need, these guys were still arguing if they should take her to government hospital or her own hospital, can you imagine, and then as i thought we were going to the hospital, these guys branched their police gra headquarters, back of macrons, Asaba, Delta state.
Saying they want to get police report, nothing came out of this, and they entered into the hilux and drove to her own hospital. On getting to the hospital, I FOUND OUT MY FRIEND WAS ACTUALLY PREGNANT WITH NOT ONE CHILD BUT FOUR CHILDREN. And i couldn’t stop my tears, what they did to her.

However in a twist to the story, it has been revealed that the pregnant woman has lost the pregnancy, and this was posted by Nigerian Singer Ruggedman on his Instagram page;

Federal sars have finally killed.
4 babies.
Federal sars have finally killed.
4 babies.
We just got word from @janemena that the pregnant lady that was brutalised by Delta state federal sars has lost the pregnancy.
The officers are from
Delta state, Asaba.
Zone 5

Zone 5
Gra headquarters
Back of macdons eatery and were driving a hilux with the license number NPF 6770C.
Back of macdons eatery and were driving a hilux with the license number NPF 6770C.
I hear the lady whose face is showing is one of the officers that orchestrated the assault.

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