
FarmLot by flextree, Launched! A private farm estate in Ogun State. Now selling for N200k per acre. Buy now or regret it later.

- October 09, 2017
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FarmLot by flextree, Launched! A private farm estate in Ogun State. Now selling for N200k per acre. Buy now or regret it later.
Will you like to make over 400% returns from farming, while learning what to plant, when to plant it and how to plant it?
If yes, then FarmLot is where you need to be.
In our own little way to encourage and help in reviving agriculture in Nigeria, we have setup 3 new private farm estates, we are selling the farmland to new farmers. This effort will help new and aspiring farmer with strong foundations needed for growth and scalability in the agric sector.
No one needs to be told that the sector has enormous potentials, the fact that we all know that we can't do without eating daily is enough to convince any unbeliever.
The most important piece of the puzzle is the LAND, less than 5 years ago, farmland is almost free in places like Oyo, Osun and Ogun state. The story is not the same today and it is certain that in 2018, cost of farmland will shoot the roof. So if you have interest in farming, you most buy now or regret it later. Hesitation will cost you more.
So, why should I buy within FarmLot - farm estate?
* Free Clearing and Plowing (Early buyers only)
* You will attend our Farming-As-A-Business Masterclass 100% FREE (worth N125,000):
* Unrestricted Access to Irrigation all year round (a massive river/dam).
* 24/7 security against Cows/herdsmen
* On-site Advisory services
and so much more.
The farmland within FarmLot is selling for N200,000 per acre (subject to change with time). Some of Farmlot estates have areas dedicated for livestock, fishery and animal husbandry.
So pick up your phone, call the following numbers to reserve your own Lot or join our next “Farming-As-A-Business” Crash course for FREE.
+2349030000813, +2349060005480, +2349060005481 .
Visit our website: www.flextree.farm
Buy now and make crazy loads of cash with our Dry Season Farming scheme.
Hint: Even if you are not interested in farming, you can buy to resell later, land has proven to always appreciate in value.
Farmlot is owned and managed by Flextree Limited. Flextree offers turnkey farm setup, management and advisory services.
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