Daddy Freeze has trolled Singer Timi Dakolo, after a Twitter user stood his ground and claimed he knows Timi’s side chic.

The drama all started after Freeze’s disagreement on Timi’s stand on divorce, where he had stated that divorce was a huge blessings to him and should not be condemned.
According to him, marriage is meant for adults who understand the the depth and import of the marital clause which reads: ‘for better for worse’; stressing that marriage is not for the ‘shallow and impatient generation.’
On his instagram page @timidakolo, he wrote: “The way people are making divorce look like something kool… Like your marriage vow means nothing..
“It makes me wonder what they thought for better for worse meant…If you weren’t sure…Why did you go ahead?
“Don’t give love a bad name…You guys are the problem not that marriage is bad.
“This shallow minded and impatience generation….Fix yourself.
“Marriage is for two complete adults…Don’t enter into it with your incomplete self.
“Marriage will not make an incomplete person complete… You should come into it prepared and complete…But what do i know? Am i not just a Musician?”
His note of course has caused quite some controversy, which of course led to a social media war with OAP, Daddy Freeze. [Read The Details Here]

What’s even more shocking is the revelation a twitter user made.

The user claims he knows Timi Dakolo’s side chic, and with this revelation, Daddy Freeze has decided to troll the singer.
Watch below;