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2years ago on a Saturday morning , I received a phone call from my only sister Joke, “ Funke please come to my house immediately, i fell down for no reason while dressing Toyin and i just woke up in pains” Those were her words in a loud cry for help. I rushed out of my house without having my bath, I felt like every one second I waited was wasted. I boarded a bus hoping to arrive at her house in fifteen minutes but met a rather unusual road traffic on a Saturday morning. A truck had collided with another truck the previous night and caused a major gridlock. The moment I realized how bad the traffic congestion was, I called her phone
Funke ; where are you? Are you almost here
Me; I am looking for a bike now, there is heavy traffic congestion on the road
Funke; Please come quick, I am in serious pains, I need to go to the hospital but someone needs to watch over Ibukun and her siblings.
Joke was pregnant for her sixth child and she was now 8 weeks gone but had just told me about it three days earlier. I eventually arrived at her house in an hour. I found her lying on the ground in a miserable state, her baby Bola who was almost a year old was crying beside her. I carried Bola immediately, and went down the street to find a taxi to take her to the hospital. I took her older children to her neighbour’s house and followed her to the hospital.
When we came in Joke was so pale, she was taken immediately to the emergency room. I was worried and approached one of the nurses to find out what the problem was but she didn’t give me any useful information. I sat for another hour baby sitting baby Bola while worrying about my sister also. Then my sister’s husband showed up in the hospital. “Funke you see what your sister has done to herself, I told her not to get pregnant again” he muttered and walked out of the emergency room. I held my head in my hands and cried, he sounded as if my sister got pregnant by herself.
Joke’s pregnancy was high risk and life-threatening. she had extremely high blood sugar levels and her blood pressure was through the roof, her doctor said that some of her organs would fail shortly and recommended an abortion to save her life.
Me; abortion ke? Is it not evacuation people do?
Doctor; Yes evacuation is the common term for abortion
Me; I hope my sister will not die, i have heard stories of girls and women who die from abortion
Doctor; An abortion or evacuation as you put it can be done safely in a hospital using modern techniques like the MVA kit. The abortion stories you hear of that result to death are done using wrong equipment, often by quacks and are not safe. Your sister will be fine.
I gave my approval and the procedure was done successfully. My sister stayed in the hospital for three weeks to recover, I had to watch over her five children while she was at the hospital; those three weeks felt like three years.
Before she was discharged, Joke signed up for family planning and eventually chose a Lydia IUD for contraception and today she is alive, raising her children and growing her business. Whenever I see her, I remember the day I rushed her to the hospital, and I am thankful to the doctor that saved her life through Safe Abortion.
#International Safe Abortion Day