
Mula Gang Entertainment unveils signee, Zara Ozay stunning pictures & new single titled ''Confam Benin Boy''

- September 27, 2017
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Mula Gang Entertainment unveils signee, Zara Ozay stunning pictures & new single titled
Ogbebor Ogie Leo also known as Zara Ozay. Was born on march 26th 1994, in Benin city, Edo state, Nigeria. He is the last child of rt Lt col paulosa ogbebor and late mrs violet ebiuwa. attended abc academy international Abuja, were he completed his primary education after which he relocated to Benin city to complete his secondary education, at immaculate conception college (i.c.c) from jss1 to jss3 and then moved to Lagos to round up his ss1 to ss3 at doland international secondary school Akute.
Mula Gang Entertainment unveils signee, Zara Ozay stunning pictures & new single titled
In 2010 Zara Ozay got an admission into igbinedion university okada to study accountancy which he completed in 2015 and graduated with a Bsc in accounting. Music has always been a part of him right from childhood but he never thought of it as a profession or a means of livelihood, instead he wanted to be in the army just like his dad.
Mula Gang Entertainment unveils signee, Zara Ozay stunning pictures & new single titled
Zara Ozay recorded his first song in 2011, while he was in my 200level in the university and it was a close friend who featured me on his track which was titled UnSuB. he still had not considered taking music seriously then, it was still for the fun of it.
By 2014 after he had been involved in a lot of songs, a lot of music shows, events and even a rap cypher video representing his school, Zara Ozay approached his elder brother and told him he would love to do music full time and he gave him his support also agreed to invest his my music.
Mula Gang Entertainment unveils signee, Zara Ozay stunning pictures & new single titled
Zara Ozay finished up Youth service corp 2016 and was signed under brother label called mula gang entertainment which has a producer, dj and another artist including zara Ozay  making it a total of 4 people in the label, that was the official beginning of everything for Zara Ozay.
Mula Gang Entertainment unveils signee, Zara Ozay stunning pictures & new single titled
Comfam benin Boi is the first ever official single dropping by Zara ozay under the label influence. Confam benin boi show everything you need to know about zara ozay and also how good and consistence he will be, enjoy Confam benin Boi by zara Ozay and share.

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