
John Cena has noticed one massive problem with the new iPhone X

- September 15, 2017
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The latest iPhone announcement has seen technology take one step forward.
After using fingerprint technology on previous models, the iPhone X – due for release on 3 November – will bring in facial scans.
The new model has no home button, and therefore nowhere for you to put your fingerprint, so ‘Face ID’ will be used to unlock the device.
The new iPhone’s facial recognition technology
It seems like a foolproof technological development.
Sure, most of us were fine getting our fingerprints scanned, and before that we are all OK typing in and memorising four-digit or six-digit passcodes, but this works too.
We’ve all got faces, right? And we’ve all got faces that can be detected by others.
Well, except…
When you’ve made a career out of telling people “You can’t see me”, it can serve you well.
I mean, just look at this…
If you were wondering about the origin of it all (the catchphrase, not the new iPhone), here’s your answer.
But Cena can’t have predicted the trademark that’s stuck with him for so many years would come back to bite him like this.
Sorry John, no iPhone X for you.
We would say see ya later, but, you know, we can’t.

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